Wednesday, February 7, 2007

"Saudade", translation

For those who are truly in love
And ache for they can never find the words…
For the hearts that shall burst
If it never finds a way to express the power inside…
For yesterday, today, and tomorrow
And any time you need to say it….

It is anything you want it to be
And everything you need it to be
For very rarely do we come across a word
That can capture what is in our hearts
What only our souls can explain
And what our minds could never understand…

It’s for those who long for the past
Who are so overwhelmingly content in the present
And who can no longer wait for the future
It is all of these together
So beautifully said
And much too explosive for this world to hold
And yet we have, finally, one word
On this tiny earth
Which can say it in a way we need to hear it…

And a word to the wise
For those who don’t believe such thing exists
Do not search for this word in any place
But for the only place where this word can be found
It lives within the hearts
Of those lucky souls
Who are truly… (humpf)



David said...

Hi. I hope that you receive this. I am a native English speaker living in South Africa. I correspond, via the internet, with a Brazilian lady who used the word 'Saudade' to end a recent text message to me. I wanted to translate the word and found your explanation. Congratulations! Go well. David.

MortEscura said...

Funny, I'm naturally from Portugal, living in the states! ...

I'm glad it was useful to you...

(tried to check your page, but you don't have one...);

Take care.