Friday, June 6, 2008

* Wedding *

With nothing else to do and searching all over yahoo and Google...
I came to realize I have a trend for Wedding dresses.
So, I will be showing a few of the ones I liked the most,
plus, two of the "hair dos" I liked. (one up and one down).

Here it is:

I really like this "hair do" for many reasons!
Besides looking beautiful, the hair is not completely down but it's not up also...
So it gives that look... of long hair... pretty lady... (la la la)

Even tho I love the hair do before this one, I would probably would go for this.
Looks absolutely AMAZING!
Like a flower almost... gorgeous!

I like this dress for many reasons (hate the purse... why would you need one?)
Don't enjoy the necklace either or the flowers.
The dress is simple... but it is also elegant. It's definitely something that I'd look at.
Not quite "perfect" tho... =]

I like this dress! Have actually seen someone with a dress just like this!
It looks great. Very white, plain & simple... almost like you are wrapped around a sheet.
Very interesting, indeed.
I would definitely look at it... and maybe try it... buy it?
Hum... it's slightly to plain for me.
But I really, really like it.

This is the perfect wedding dress.
I shall make one just the same! LOL
(Although, I dislike the colors);
I'd make the bottom what the upper color is now...
And make the top a pure white.
And [tan ran] there you have it people...
The Perfect Wedding Dress.

I was going to show some tiaras and bouquets...
But I couldn't find it on Google out of 50 pages anything I liked.
So... I'll just leave it at that.

~ She and He ~

She would cry
He would laugh.

She would talk
He wouldn't listen.

She would suffer
He wouldn't care.

She would believe
He would lie.

She would wait
He wouldn't show up.

She would smile
He would laugh AT her.

She wanted something serious
He was a big joke.

She would believe in everything he would say
He said the same thing to everyone.

She wanted him forever
He wanted her for certain moments.

She would give herself
He would lose himself.

She would say she loved him
He would run his mouth.

She wanted him.
He wanted any.

In the end...

... He discovered she was Unique!


... She found out he was just another.