Saturday, June 28, 2008

~ What you don't know, doesn't hurt you. ~

(Toronto, Lakeshore, 2007)

There's a saying that goes:
"What you don't know, doesn't hurt you."

How true is this?
If I hurt of longing to know
where we came from
why we're here!?

M Theory, how beautifully said.
Parallel Universes.
Well done...
But where does the membrane come from?

[Anyways, I'm losing track of why I'm writing this.]

What's better?
Leaving things unsaid?
Or full honesty?
(if honesty itself can be hurtful)
I wonder...

Then it carries us to another question;
Whom occults the truth, lies?
Even if for someone else's own good?
For your own good as well!?
(intriguing, indeed...)

Things left unsaid often with the weight of the world,
years and knowledge...
... become a burden.
Become uneasy to be carried on.
But how much weight can you handle?

How much pride can you swallow?
How much truth can you hide?
How much lies can you hold?
How much love can you give?
And how much joy can you obtain?

Have you realize that the number of things that you do know
are insignificant to the ones you don't know.
That the numbers of things for which you care about
are insignificant to the one's you don't.
That what you know is IRRELEVANT. (nothing)

Let determination be part of ours lives.