Wednesday, December 25, 2013


To me, the most beautiful people aren’t the ones who are "flawless".

If you have a life that’s full of laughter -- you are going to have wrinkles.

If you play, enjoy and spend time outdoors, you’re going to freckle.

If you live your life passionately, it’s going to show.

If you go through all of those things that carve away the bullshit and leave you raw and excellent and true—you aren’t going to have a expressionless, linelessphotoshoppedface.

You will be real.

That’s what makes you beautiful.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Unsaid love is it love...

For if I love you without knowing you that can’t be real love, the kind of love where two people say “I love you,” to one another, and mean it.
But it could be the kind of love, just possibly, perhaps, that goes unsaid, and so I shall unsay it unto you: I may possibly love you, in the way a pure clean ancient underground spring courses its invisible way below us, unseen, unknowing.
So I do not love you, and you do not love me, but it goes without saying, for it remains unsaid, for now: I do not love you, and you can not yet love me. 


I see you.

I would like to see you. I would like to see you without your feeling pressured by me but rather with your feeling the courage and space and desire, the curiosity. I would like you to want to see me without you feeling seduced. I am done playing games with dating: for games are for winners and losers and I do not ever want to win against you, or for you to lose against me, and I do not want to lose against you or for you to win against me. For we are part of the whole, as Donne said, and your gain is mine and my loss is yours.

Love is about finding one’s match, which means we shall touch our minds and hearts together at once, and never condescend or aim for any goal between us but the truth...