Sunday, May 17, 2015

15 minutes of fame...

I missed my 15 minutes of MTV fame.

I might or might not have abandoned my blog for awhile...

I got out of the blog groove, and I'm finding it kind of hard to get back in.

But then last night, inspiration hit, and here I am.

While watching MTV's Engaged and Underage, I realized that I missed my chance. I could've been on this show when I had my first wedding. Damn it!

We would've been the greatest Engaged and Underage couple ever. We had all of the qualifications.

Ridiculously young and naive? Check!

Facing opposition from our well-meaning families? Check!

Dubious means of supporting ourselves? Check!

Numerous break-up type fights? Check!

Low budget "grown up" wedding? Check!

Adamant refusal to acknowledge the potential disaster of the situation? Check!

Tears and hurt feelings abound? Check!

I can't believe I missed out on that situation. If you watch the show, you know you can go to MTV online to see how the couples are doing post-honeymoon. I'd like to nominate the idea of a show that catches up with them a couple years later to see who is still together.

We could take bets.

(Not that I'm pessimistic or anything.)

(Although, I am a big proponent of the starter-husband. Seriously. A must have for the young college coed. Yes, a little awkward post-divorce, but you're a pro the second time around.)

(AND it's fun to joke with Hubs about how I turn 'em and burn 'em. Keeps him on his toes.)

Le sigh. I guess I'll just have to wait for another opportunity to be on TV.

(Maybe Hubs and I could be on Family Feud! Or Deal or No Deal!)

Sucks for you, MTV!!

You have no idea what you missed.

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