Thursday, August 28, 2008

~ Beliefs aren't just in your mind... ~

Your body knows what your mind thinks.
And it acts accordingly. It means that a belief is not just an idea, it is in your body and your mind.

Dr. Deepak Chopra is a famous author in USA who is invited all around the world for talks. According to him "To think is to practice brain chemistry."

When you are happy or you believe in achieving success in whatever you are doing, that thought is conveyed to your whole body. Your body is more energetic and less tired. When someone is unhappy and sad, his body is slow, dull, and tired.
In summary, your brain conveys your thoughts and beliefs to your body. If you think "I will succeed", your brain tells your body to get ready and expect success. If you think "I will fail", the brain tells the body "Do not even try, there is no chance of success."

- - - - - - - - - -

Your Brain is a Neural Network

The human brain has about 15,00,00,00,000 (1500 crore) neurons or brain cells. Each single brain cell makes connection with 5,000 to 10,000 other brain cells. The network of brain cells is so complex that the brain can be imagined to be like a huge telephone network.

When we learn something, new connections are created in the brain. Repetition strengthens these new connections. A different experience can modify the network. It means that you are changing continuously, though you do not know about it.
The mind and the body are connected.

It has been recently found that the connection or interrelation is much more stronger than what the doctors believed in the past. In the last ten years it has been discovered that there are about 50 to 60 chemicals taking messages from the brain to the body. The most well-known of these are called endorphins. In the past it was believed that endorphins were present only in the brain. But now they have been found in the body, carrying messages to practically every cell in the body.

These chemicals carry messages in the body about everything including thoughts, happiness, feelings, beliefs, etc.

Let us see an example. A person is walking in the park. He sees something like a snake and thinks in his mind "It is a snake." That message of fear goes to other parts of the brain, then to the spinal cord, and then to the rest of the body. In a very short period, the whole body knows about the danger and prepares itself to face the danger. The heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, breathing becomes faster. Blood is diverted from the brain to the muscles, the hands and the feet. As a result, the person is ready to "fight" or "to run away". This well known phenomenon is called "fight-or-flight" response. Just the thought "snake" creates this response.

In the same way, there is a biological basis for every thought.

- Anthony Robbins, 3 steps to success -

I want to tell you the single biggest success secret from the world's most powerful and influential motivator Anthony Robbins. He's been guide to top sports people, actors, politicians, and the royalty. And, ordinary people like you and me.

If you learn nothing else from me, learn this secret of achieving big success from Anthony Robbins (also known as Tony Robbins).

It has 3 simple steps...

Step 1

First, it is most important for you to understand that people are not unmotivated or lazy. People just don't have big enough goals that can motivate them. The goals are not being enough to give energy in the morning so people jump out of bed to enjoy the tasks and challenges ahead in the day. People have small goals that suck the energy out of them, leaving them lazy and unmotivated to do anything much.

Once you understand this crucial wisdom from Tony, you must stop right now doing whatever you were planning to do, and focus for the next 10 minutes on setting (at least) one most important goal for yourself for the next 1-2 years.

Perhaps you already know the goal. If not, now is the time to close your eyes for a few minutes and decide your goal. Do it now.

Then, write the goal (s) on a piece of paper or your notebook. Why? Just the process of writing your goal greatly increases the possibility of your success. As if there is some magic to it. You don't have to know why writing goals work - I'll tell you in some future email - for now just trust me on this and you'll benefit.

Of course, you know that just writing the goals is not enough. That is why there is Step 2 below.

Step 2

Goals become truly powerful if you understand "why" behind them.

Which means for you to become very clear why the goal is so extremely important to you. What happens if you succeed in achieve your goal? For yourself and your family? Prestige? Respect in society? Career? Money? Happiness? Or What happens if you fail? Sense of failure? Frustration? Disappointment? ...

Think about it and write down in paper because just the process of writing makes it more powerful and beneficial for your success.

Step 3

Now that you have written on paper what is your goal and why it is so important to you. If not, stop. Going further will not help you. The magic of success is in taking the right "actions" and not in "just thinking" about it.

Ok, so I trust you have written your goal and "why".

Next, now write down what different actions you can take or you must take to make your dream come true.

Finally, start to take all those actions beginning today, so you move rapidly towards your goal.

Ingrid Michaelson - "The Way I am"

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So today, I'm going to talk about
someone else very important in my life.
I've mentioned:

- My grandfather
- My madrinha (godmother)
- My little niece, Juliana
- My mom...
- My dad...

I'm taking the time to talk about someone,
not less important than any of those mentioned above...
... and her name is: Nicole Brown. (Niko)

So this young lady is a jewel.
She goes from being beautiful, talented to extremely intelligent.
She is all around, great.
She's the best friend that anyone could ask for.
The best sister... that anyone would want.
The best niece... that I could ever have.

I could really talk about her all day.
Because there is so much to say.
But words would always fall short.
Nothing can describe her greatness.

It's her sense of humor,
It's her personality,
Her character,
It's her love for the people around her,
Her love for animals,
Her love for life...
... that always brings a smile to my face.
She really amazes me.
I see so much potential in her.
She always manages to brighten my day.
It's whether teaching me something...
... or be as random as me ...

"You know that song lean like a cholo?
It could be 'lean like a cello...
Elbows up side to side
Elbows up side to side..."

LOL!! (this is an inside joke)
She plays Cello.
And the song has nothing to do with Cello's.
(I guess you'd have to be there... )

All this to say... She is the best as they come.
And one of the best things life had to offer.
And if anyone messes with her,
Hurts her in any way,
I am here.
And I WILL hurt you.

[stabs the hand doll] <>

People are... just people.


There comes a point in your life
Where you just get tired of chasing
everyone & trying to fix:
It's not giving up; it's realizing
that you don't need
certain people, the bullshit
& the drama they bring *
When you realize who matters...
Who never did...
Who won't anymore...
... And who always will.
So, don't worry about people from your past.
There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

Click Here.

1 year...




Thursday, August 21, 2008

~ Still Alive - Glados ~

~ Hopscotch ~

Walking through the beaches of life, I had an encounter with an obstacle, that at first, seemed inevitable. A Rock!

:Everything that happens, happens for a reason!

So, I stopped, observed, tried to understand why did that little object obliged me to stop on that ground that I so many times walked on.
I couldn't find a logic explanation, that would make me understand the deed of what happened.
I see myself just starring at that little insignificant thing... the thoughts, the choices devastated me, but nothing made me realize the objective of that little rock.
Walking home... in deep thought, the memory was the ally of the moment. I remembered that sometimes even the tinniest thorn makes us stop from a determinate walk. The detail of this, allows us to think about everything that decides our lives.
The daily run makes us sometimes lose track of what is really important. We allow our lives to be accumulated in pictures and memory that eventually will become a blur or will erode with time.
That little rock allowed me a reflexion; even tho being so little, it was sufficient to stop me from my objective, determinate and concrete walk... the walk of, living!
All the daily events aren't enough for a "learning", we have to realize that life is also made and created by little details, as small as that rock... (or even smaller)!
I walk on that same road, where the footprints from that event were erased by time...
... but not before picking up that rock and putting it on my pocket.
And when an important detail, one minimum event, will decide where I will be walking, and I don't realize it because I'm distracted... or maybe because of an unconscious conscience; the rock is with me... it allows me to travel through time and reminds me of my lesson.
I pick up the rock and I see all the suffering that I've carried on all the roads I've walked.
The rock works, as always, as an object of the soul... that stored everything.
Once again, we remember that the little rock is not allowing us - like a thorn stuck in your foot - to take the easiest way. The one of giving up, the one from the losers that are afraid of all types of pain.
I go on my knees and I pick up a bit of dirt... that has been walked on over millions of people, that has been kissed by the breeze of the wind, that has been bathed by the Summer sun...
... I listen to it's daily suffering... and I feel I can't give in, not like this, not without fighting.

* Life is like hopscotch. You throw rocks, you pick them up, you can play with someone or alone, you hop, you stand, sometimes you even fall... or fail... but in the end it's all about playing the game. *

~ ELes/Elas pensam assim... e com razao! ~


Nao es a minha realidade...
Nem eu sou tua.
Vives na minha imaginacao...
Es como penso ser.
Nao reconheco os teus defeitos.
Mas de alguma forma acredito
que realmente sejas como penso,
ou, pelo menos, poderias ser...

Na verdade se outrem
entrasse nas nossas vidas...
Com segundas intencoes,
pensaria assim:
"Imagino o quanto te faria feliz...
e derepente sou arrancada/o desse sonho,
pela ideia que talvez ja o sejas...
e eu nada tenha a ver com isso.
De fora a tua vida parece-me tao perfeita
Outras vezes, apenas comoda...
Nessas horas penso k poderia torna-la agitada
mas de que adianta?
Ficaria sempre com a sensacao
de que nao era para ser assim...
De que ela/ele estaria sempre nos teus pensamentos...
e que nao importaria o k fizessse
sempre te faltaria algo...
Algo que jamais te poderia dar; o destino.
E como me corroi o desejo de querer,
alguem que ja eh de alguem...
Queria nao ter valores, nao ter respeito
ser desleal e lutar por ti...
Mas como suportar uma felicidade
que nasce do sofrimento de alguem?
E eu sei que ela sofreria sem ti...
As vezes acho que se no tivessemos encontrado antes,
Hoje, estariamos juntos...
Mas por algum motivo* nao foi assim..."

Entao como alguem que nao foi convidado
*fico-te amando, aqui... ah minha maneira.
Calada, triste, sozinha...
Como nos versos de alguem que soube dar
poesia aquilo que sinto:
"Escondo-me aqui
A ver-te dancar e a sorrir,
A ouvir-te cantar e ate rir...
Deixa-me ser a sombra da tua sombra

A sombra da tua mao
A sombra do teu cao."
Nao cabe a mim questionar a vida e os seus motivos...
... mas deve ser mais sabia do que eu!
Doi viver assim.

~ Miguel Falabella - "Saudade" ~

"Trancar o dedo numa porta dói.
Bater com o queixo no chão dói.
Torcer o tornozelo dói.
Um tapa, um soco, um pontapé doem.
Dói bater a cabeça na quina da mesa,
dói morder a língua, dói cólica, cárie e pedra no rim.
Mas o que mais dói é a saudade.
Saudade de um irmão que mora longe.
Saudade de uma cachoeira da infância.
Saudade de um filho que estuda fora.
Saudade do gosto de uma fruta que não se encontra mais.
Saudade do pai que morreu,
Do amigo imaginário que nunca existiu.
Saudade de uma cidade.
Saudade da gente mesmo, que o tempo não perdoa.
Doem essas saudades todas.
Mas a saudade mais dolorida é a saudade de quem se ama.
Saudade da pele, do cheiro, dos beijos.
Saudade da presença, e até da ausência consentida.
Você podia ficar na sala e ela no quarto, sem se verem, mas sabiam-se lá.
Você podia ir para o dentista e ela para a faculdade, mas sabiam-se onde.
Você podia ficar o dia sem vê-la, ela o dia sem vê-lo, mas sabiam-se amanhã.
Contudo, quando o amor de um acaba, ou torna-se menor, ao outro sobra uma saudade que ninguém sabe como deter.
Saudade é basicamente não saber.
Não saber mais se ela continua fungando num ambiente mais frio.
Não saber se ele continua sem fazer a barba por causa daquela alergia.
Não saber se ela ainda usa aquela saia.
Não saber se ele foi na consulta com o dermatologista como prometeu.
Não saber se ela tem comido bem por causa daquela mania de estar sempre ocupada;
- Se ele tem assistido às aulas de inglês, se aprendeu a entrar na Internet e encontrar a página do Diário Oficial; se ela aprendeu a estacionar entre dois carros; se ele continua preferindo Malzebier; se ela continua preferindo suco de melancia; se ele continua sorrindo com aqueles olhinhos apertados; se ela continua dançando daquele jeitinho enlouquecedor; se ele continua cantando tão bem; se ela continua detestando o MC Donald's; se ele continua amando;
se ela continua a chorar até nas comédias.
Saudade é não saber mesmo!
Não saber o que fazer com os dias que ficaram mais compridos; não saber como encontrar tarefas que lhe cessem o pensamento; não saber como frear as lágrimas diante de uma música;
não saber como vencer a dor de um silêncio que nada preenche.
Saudade é não querer saber se ela está com outro, e ao mesmo tempo querer.
É não saber se ele está feliz, e ao mesmo tempo perguntar a todos os amigos.
É não querer saber se ele está mais magro, se ela está mais bela.
Saudade é nunca mais saber de quem se ama, e ainda assim doer...
Saudade é isso que senti enquanto estive escrevendo e o que você, provavelmente, está sentindo agora depois que acabou de ler."

Friday, August 15, 2008

~ Friday Movie ~ Mirrors ~

Movie "Mirrors" is worth seeing.
It's not the BEST movie, but it was really good.
I enjoyed it. Horror movies are the best.
Favorite part was: When the girl rips her mouth open.
LITERALLY. (they show everything too)
There's a "ghost" chasing, which is kind of lame...
But the whole idea is that there is a "universe" parallel to ours...
... on which, when you die you see everything in reverse.
I am not going to mention the whole hand print or I will spoil the movie for you.
The portals are the mirrors.
So, when you look in the mirror, think twice...
Are you looking at the mirror?
Or is the mirror looking at you?
Or are you looking at one another...?!


Monday, August 11, 2008

~ I Need You ~

The world is not made by words. It's preserved by them, but not made of them.
How can we lie our mistakes in age, maturity, time, circumstance and love? When time is only one of the 11 dimensions and it's not linear.
We can bend it, reverse and alter time.
(and that should be the big issue...)
How can you whimper and say you love. If you think you might stifle me? If you don't mind me walking the road of wisdom in loneliness?
When you let me live to myself my goals and my failures?
Isn't love about growing together? Having some sort of support?
You are older, you should know this better than me.
There are times in life, where risking is just fine.
You are suppose to know, that there are people in your life that will remain in it forever. (Even if forever, doesn't last);
You should be the one holding me, not wanting me to leave.
And you do nothing of that. You treat me like "just another".
I am far from mad, I am disappointed... in me. For believing.
I love myself too much but I love you better.
If for you, the thought of me, takes away my pride.
I knew you wanted me since the first time I laid eyes on you.
You looked at me different from everyone else.
Everyone always thought of you as a snob... and that's how you treated them. You had the "peaceful" look, intelligent look, caring look but with me was different... So different...
There was this passion in your eyes...
...I could almost feel your heart beat.
It's like everything you said stabbed across my heart.
And every time we touched and kissed, it was more than just two bodies... and more like one soul.
Love renews itself. Does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always trusts, always hopes, always protects... it is always there.
Love is a beautiful idea. The dream of the conscious.
It's in your smile that lies my happiness. It's in your touch that lies my life. It is in your eyes that I seen my unborn child...
Without ever seeing you before, I would of painted you in my mind.
The most eloquent truth rises when I write of you. It's overwhelming.
I think of you and lose my breath, for an instant I remind my brain to breathe. You made "I Love You" more than three words.
It is you I look in the eyes and say it meaning it.
I want to be carried around on your shoulder.
It is you I want to jump on the back and be walked around.
It is you I want to kiss and for no reason just kick you in the butt.
It is you that brings fullness to my life... like I've never felt before.
When I look at you I see more than just an image. Or a person.
I see hope, I see love, I see a whole. I see an Idea.
You are everything I see, the fact I can fall in love again and again...
... makes me realize there will never be no other.
If for some reason our lives are not together,
No one will ever have all of me, I cannot compare.
I could never feel for anyone what I feel for you. For so many reasons.
Mainly, I would not have the strength. You are my aura.
I feel so proud of you... of what you are.... of what you've become.
Before if anyone would ask me what brings joy to your life, I wouldn't know. Or what makes me satisfied? I would think I was
But I do know now. It's more than discovering something... or writing a book... Or helping someone with no second intentions...
I love you not only entirely for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. You make me fulfilled, accomplished... [happy].
However, it is better to have loved and lost than never been loved.
I learned love isn't finding the perfect person, but seeing you perfectly.
"True stories don't have endings." (by Richard Bach)
Don't bother asking me why I love you.. Words would always fall short.
The truth is: I need you.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

~ babbling ~

Patiently waiting,
Hoping, and longing...
For dreams, fantasy
and reality becoming one.
Letting go of pride,
of anger, of hurt,
of selfish thoughts...
Leaving only care,
loyalty, touch,
and love...
The wait may be long,
and with it, fear,
pain, insecurity,
and heartaches arrive...
Though the reward will be grand
When I will be holding you,
kissing you, caring for you,
and loving you...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

~ It was YOU ~

I learned things, that I shouldn't of learned...

I heard things, I shouldn't of heard...
I lived things, I shouldn't of lived...
I shivved people, I shouldn't of shivved.
I felt things, I shouldn't of felt...
How could I let my heart melt?
I wanted things, I should of never wished for...
And with you all I could ask was more?

If for a moment, a word, I lost you:
However you had all of me.
I don't know what you see...
But I know what I see in you, I do.
My body, my soul...
(sigh) Me and you, was my goal...
In yours, attached, my fingers...
Your body united in mine...
All of you is still so fine...
All of you, still on me lingers...
You had my smile, my look, my fragrance.
You took away my life's romance...
It was you that made me want everything...
It was you that made me not back out on anything...
Was with you that I lived what I shouldn't of lived,
So I sat back and sieved.
Was with you that I felt what I shouldn't of felt,
Was with you that I wished the impossible.
But it seemed we just let go the belt...
And there went our dreams, we were no longer unstoppable.
Unfortunately, my body, my soul, my fingers,
my smile, my look and my fragrance...
... in your memory it will all remain,
But in your heart, it will all be nothing but a stain.

~ Myself ~

For a long time, I've been trying to be happy...
I wanted to be peace, I was war.
I wanted to be union, I was disagreement.
I wanted to be life, I was emptyness.
I tried to be happiness, I was sorrow.
Now I found out, that to be happy...
... I need to be, myself.

~ Picanço ~

I want this to be one of my Christmas presents.
(Excited about it...)

~ Lanius meridionalis & Lanius senator ~

Qual o nome deste passaro em PORTUGUÊS?
(What's the name of this bird in Portuguese?)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

~ ASSUME this ~

When you come to think, life is wider than is short.
And people are just so... mean. Selfish. Hypocrite.
It feels so good inside when you point out what someone else did wrong, doesn't it?
When you sway your mind out of yourself and look at another. Prick!
Have you ever gotten so sad you feel sick to your stomach?
You wish you could just puke that unfulfillable feeling away?
We are all different. We are all alone.*
But you know what? *In that, we are all together.
People are just people, I said, so many times. But I am NOT just someone.
I cannot live a life, being thought a fool, unhappy, unbalanced, needy.
I can't.
Because, you know what? That is not me. That is not who I am.
Not yesterday, not today... And I won't be that tomorrow either.
I have noble goals for my life. And I WILL achieve them.
I committed mistakes, I did. But I never said I was perfect.
How can someone call me heartless? When I have so much to give?
When I can barely fit in myself? I feel like I could burst feelings... at times.
You all know how the saying goes:
"Don't assume? You'll make an ASS of U and ME"

Let's all just keep that in mind. Think a little more about our own mistakes, our own paths and be ourselves.

"May God be with you. Amen." [joke]

Saturday, August 2, 2008

~ Opinion ~

"You are a cowardly woman period.(...)"

"(...) You are just a hurtful being (...)"

"I guess beauty is only skin deep because the inside is rotten."

"You are being heartless (...)"

And this is, supposedly, someone that cares for me

that said these things... imagine the rest of the world!

Let determination be part of our lives.

[Oh, and by the way; Opinions are like butts, everyone has one.]

~ Love as Water ~

We all fall in love with an idea...
... that will be followed by two.
You and that special someone.
That idea has details, ideals, principals, love.
But how much love does someone need?
How much is love?
If you can't seem to buy it, see it or weight it...
... some people can't even feel it.
Would it be easier to order 1kg of it to go?!
Or would people exaggerate on it's measures?
After all, we do consume love.
I often compare love with water:
... Starts really liquid;
Fresh and perfect to drink.
Then there are transformations.
Some make that water whether dirty,
Invisible... or just hard as ice!
That's love for you, my people.
Has to be treated really good,
Kept in the right temperature,
And definitely... appreciated.
And if not well preserved...
Oh well, eventually we will all run out of it.

[Have a great weekend everyone.]

Friday, August 1, 2008

* I learned ... *

So, who ever knows me, knows that...
...I absolutely dislike Shakespeare.
He tried so hard to write.
You realize that when you read most of his work.
Romeo and Juliet was so... so... lame?
But, I seem to like reading
some of the things he wrote in Portuguese.
He sounds so much more passionate,
and have a greater understanding of life.
He sounds more real? More true?

Here's an example:
"Aprendi que nao posso exigir o amor de ninguem.
Posso, apenas, dar boas razoes para que gostem de mim
e ter a paciencia para que a vida faca o resto..."

(Estou triste...)