Friday, September 19, 2008


In this advanced generation that we call ourselves. Where words are used in dismay of feelings.
In false pretense everything is done. That is the world we choose to live in.
Some people might call me crazy, some call me insane, some call me insensitive...
... but in the end, I know who I am and what I have to give;
I might not say it everyday:
- "Thank You"
- "I miss you"
- "I am sorry"
or even
- "I love you"...
.... but when I say it, I mean it.
It is my Idea to say it, it is with a purpose. And different from steel, those... cannot be bent.

There are a lot of things that makes me different from others but there are also a lot of things that makes us all the same.
If not where we came from, what's our purpose and where we're going; maybe the rudeness, the hope, the love... or the Ideas.
We all have ideas. Some of us choose to actually use them. Any idea, any thought can be reality.
"You are never given the wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however." [Richard Bach]

Once upon a time, I dared to tell someone (that could care less):
"One day, I shall do great things!"

The truth is, I do great things. NOW.
Right on this moment, I am doing amazing things.
We are timeless creatures. Who's to say what's past, present and future?
If the question of the time can sometimes be deceived? If hours can seem minutes and minutes can seem hours, at times?
If dreams seem so real that you can touch? You can feel? You can imagine... You can create an Idea.
We are chapters? We are channels? What are we?
I like pictures; and these don't even move. Even tho you can can pretend they do, they "appear" to move. [that's reality!]
So, I'll call Everything an album.
Maybe we live our lives for that perfect shot. That steady, colorful, unimaginable, beautiful shot, Moment. Idea.

I shall become one with the world. I am ONE with Everything.

How I have changed. [I smile]
It's not that we don't know where to go...
Or we don't know what to find...
... We do.
It's the awareness of our consciousness that sometimes we lack of.
When you try to look for something, don't you find it?
If you really put work into it? Research? Effort? Thought?
You will find it! If you don't, you were not true at heart.

Richard Bach said well:
"Bad things are not the worst things that can happen to us. Nothing is the worst thing that can happen to us!"

Even tho there are probably millions, billions of self's living who I am NOW...
The truth is there's points in time where histories will meet but some might evolve some might not.
So you could actually be me... And I could be you... With different shapes and different choices made...
And we are all just a big ONE.

With all this, you might think twice when you ought to judge someone.
What if that is one of the billion self's you could of been? Or... that you are?
Would you like to be treated with disrespect? (...)
We all relate people. We do. Doesn't matter who you are.

And we all suffer. We will all get hurt. And it's acceptable.
But the choice of who deserves that pain, is yours.

Make Is be with you.


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