Sunday, July 6, 2008

~ Butterfly ~

(4th of July 2008)

I don't want to divulge the truth,
I want you to apprehend it on your own,
And I ache for your affection to show,
I don't want to pluck out the seeds that we've sown,
The sun hasn't set on us, yet,
All I can evoke is that it has in verity, once shone,
And I love you so much; it's really all I've ever known.
Show me that you care,
I feel dead, derailed, decayed, and all inside,
Remorse so unfathomable, I feel raped inside,
Talk to your own, talk where your comfort resides,
Talk to anyone…my foe besides,
Think just about us, it might help you decide,
Drop the care, the emotions, and a word of advice,
Think reasonably; keep your feelings aside.
Have you ever felt, while standing in front of the mirror, completely insecure?
Each tear trickling down your eye, reminds you of the same numbness,
You begin to abhor your own reflection, and you wind up weeping some more?
It's not that you're losing your desire; it's just that it's this very same desire,
Had got you feeling protected,
And you begin to despise it;
you no longer feel that your love is pure?
Please let it endure...
Show me that you know, that you care,
Send me a butterfly or two: send me some sort of sign...
... And I'll wait for a bit, but I don't feel I have the time,
Somewhere down the road, I know I'll have to draw the line!
You are alright and I will be fine...

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