Sunday, January 27, 2008

~Lyrics: HaTe ThaT I LoVe YoU~

~DaYs Go By~

I can't help to post a few pictures from the hockey games I went this weekend.

MY LOVELY FRIEND, never took me to one of his (asswipe!) lol

Hockey games, ARE SO DAMN FUN!

The coach threw the sticks ... he was kicked out... If you only were there to see it!

SO Many FIGHTS, didn't even seem like they were playing hockey, more like wrestling! lol

Here are some of the sayings from the game:

- ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- AND THEY STILL SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

hope u enjoy the photos! :)

I'm pretty sure I know why people go see the Thunders playing...
Obviously it's not by the game play!

Have a great week EVERYONE!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

~ SeCreT ~

"Your dog keeps on shedding on my carpet!"
- She would often say...

Over to the chronometer I would quickly glance
and would always reply: "No".

Under the stairs was always lined with fur,
and she could never figure it out,
but I always knew.

Cautiously, one evening I tip-toed
down the stairs and curiously peered
inside the grand timepiece.

Hank was inside silently sleeping, he was a squirrel
I had found upstairs in the attic.

Recently, I found him there...
And he appeared really frightened.
But he is just a little baby, no wonder.

Interesting how the history clock was a perfect
place for him. I thought since it wasn't working anyways...

Secretly, the furs kept on showing up, (haha)
But what could I do? I wouldn't let go of the baby squirrel.

Timeless device this clock was, it had endured
the many trials and tribulations that our family
had passed down throughout the generations.

Oddly, for this reason only...

Perfect resident, such a cute little squirrel...
for this beloved masterpiece of wonder.

Half reluctant... my mother never really was able to found out.

Exallotriote, the little squirrel... reminded me a bit of myself.
So the ability to take care of it seemed adequate.

Ramiform, was how the inside of the clock looked like,
Not only it was home to me... but it was like home for Hank.
What left behind the fuzzy fur balls? Mom will never know.
And, neither will YOU.

~ Where The Light Exists, I'm Not There ~

In a sinister and broken place
Where words devour feelings,
Thoughts become withered,
And the soul remains shattered.

Is a place where sadness and fury dwell.

Where simple words penetrate
an already fragile Universe.
A frail Universe colliding with fury without forgiveness
and vengeance with no motive.

There is no light in the darkness.

The light exists, but I'm far.
Only loneliness remains.
Hope can not fathom a better world
Crushed inside this Universe.

Swallowed by sadness and loneliness,
I cry watching my tears wash away.

Friday, January 11, 2008

~ O MeU arTisTa ~

~ Hoje nao te falei e a minha mente ficou logo tola... [o k me chamas, va-se la saber porque! lol] ~

♥ Deparo-me a pensar na vida ♥

A vida e vagabunda!
- So anda com ela quem quer.
A vida e prostituta!
- Apoderada as escondidas por ricos.
Eu olho a vida como uma tela!
Tem diversas cores, pinta-la com as que quiseres e gostares mais.
Foste tu que me deste a conhecer e sentir o vermelho da chama inves do azul.
E me apresentaste o cinzento com o intuito de me veres livre do antiquado e comodo preto e branco!
Entraste na minha vida derramando baldes de tinta! E com o tempo foste juntando cada qual, elaborando uma grande obra de arte.
Es o meu artista, o meu pintor. Que me retracta tal com sou e retoca as minhas imperfeicoes; que utiliza as cores em meu redor, para me favorecer, a minha imagem.

Foste tu, meu amor... que ao ver-me derramar lagrimas transparentes que nem tu, pelo verde do mar no horizonte acabar, que me disseste que eh la que o azul do ceu comeca!

~ I LoVe YoU ~

It feels good to be more than a burden to people!

~ BiGGesT MisTaKe ~

Sometimes I wonder, which was my biggest mistake.
And what are in fact mistakes?
Things you did wrong?
Things you didn't really want to do?
Things you knew it would be wrong to do?
What's wrong anyways?!
Is it a mistake only when someone gets hurt?
Or is it a mistake when you feel guilty of your actions?

I think therefore I'm responsible for my actions.
But what if there's a path to follow? Are the things you've done included?!
Mere bagatelle...

I did wrong in plenty of things.
[I'm not even going to mention them]
But all this to say, I hurt the person that I ended up loving.

What's worse:
Loving someone and not getting the same feeling in return?
Or Loving and hurting the person that loves you back?!
And if by hurting that person you lose the love that you could of had if you wouldn't of hurt them, does that take you to the first option? [loving someone that doesn't feel the same love in return] - and if indeed this happens; that shall be the biggest mistake of my life.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

~ MaS Tu eS o QuE aFiNaL?! ~

Nao custa escrever coisas bonitas! -
Custa sim - escrever coisas bonitas e verdadeiras.
Tu nao es como o sal, que dissolve!
(mesmo dando tempero ah minha vida)
Nem como o acucar...

Nao es como o gelo que derrete!
Nem como a agua que congela!
Nao es o chao, ninguem te pisa...

Nao es o vento, nao vais e vens!
Se es o tempo? Eh porque levas o meu coracao!
Se nao o es, para sempre ficas comigo...

Nao es como o ferro, que enferruja!
Ou como a verga, que dobra.
(Embora te tenhas vindo a moldar... alternando)

Contudo, poderias ser o Sol...
Iluminas e aqueces as vidas de muita gente.
E ObRiGaDo PoR IluMiNaReS a MinHa!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

~ Es O SoNhO QuE SoNhEi ~

Sinto saudades tuas... e dos teus abracos.
Das tuas caricias, das tuas maos de leve pelo o meu cabelo. Dos teus olhos a fixarem-me como que em pasmo da realidade dos nossos sentimentos.
Sinto-me tao protegida contigo tao distante. Estas perto de mim mesmo assim ausente.
Tu vives em mim, meu menino lindo. :)
Es a minha vaidade, o meu orgulho.
Vivo em prologo do nosso sonho; Da vida, de amor...
Es o que sou, sendo o que es.
Olho ah volta e nao compreendo aquele mundo. Em que estes desesperados vivem na ignorancia dos actos e dos sentimentos deslavados, pobres mortais.
Vou-me escondendo nesta minha pele, fecho os olhos para me perder na escuridao que estes me carregam, e por instantes sonho utopicamente...
... Vejo a tua preciosa imagem, que ira assombrar-me e perseguir-me ate adormecer. Irei sonhar contigo. Sonhar com o teu beijo doce e dos teus labios meigos. Ainda nao adormeci, mas sonho... Sonho que quase que me obriga a chorar de amor, a gritar o teu nome.
E neste momento, nestes instantes... que me sinto viva e feliz! Porque te amo, meu querido. Amo-te incontrolavelmente. Como se amanha nao existisse. Como se fosses transparente.
E neste espaco de tempo que anseio o teu corpo. Fazer-te feliz com quietude. Deixar a teoria deste sonho e por em pratica, este Nos. Que permanecera, ate haver apenas um de nos, que sera nenhum.