Thursday, May 15, 2008

* Emptiness *

It's when you feel that
this is not your place to be.
It's not your time...
It's not your world.
It's missing someone:
That you know,
And you don't know;
Missing something:
That you lived,
And you didn't live;

It's being around people
and still feel alone.
It's smiling when you're sad.
It's when you find yourself
at night, without anyone.
It's when you lose yourself,
for someone to find you.
It's when you whisper to the wind,
and it blows your words away,
Without bringing breeze to anyone.

It's when you have
millions of feelings,
but you can't find any...
So empty!
It's when you feel the pain
of dismissing your love
and your heart yells.
It's when you want to love,
but no one seems to know your love.
Or want to know...

It's when you start to believe
that love...
is just a stupid belief,
it's just an escape...
... for those that
can't handle to be alone!
"Feeling alone
is worse than


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