I went through a phase in my life where I was sure I knew what love was like. School doesn’t prepare you for emotional intelligence, your parents don’t warn you about the evils of a broken heart, nobody ever gives you a heads up on how love is going to feel like or be like (or what it’s not). So you meet people along the way who take away not only hope but parts of who you are... one day you wake up and you’re scared of love, even though you might have never experienced it. You’re scared to say too much, to do too much, to be too much. It takes someone special, like you, coming along and you say too much, do too much, for me, with me. You not only remind me of pieces of myself I’ve forgotten, you restore those same pieces. You bring back to my life everything good I’ve ever lost with others and add some good of your own to my life.
Love all of a sudden isn’t scary, or hurtful, or shameful, or disrespectful, or degrading... Love is that feeling that consumes me with happiness. Where every time I think of you, see you, hear from you I get butterflies feeling in my tummy. That feeling where one second feels like an eternity, where the world just stops; and an eternity feels like one second, with you.
It’s an undeniable feeling, I can feel the energy, I can feel your intentions without you ever lifting a finger, ever saying a word, I feel it bones deep. It’s almost as if faith brought us together, again, in this one universe.
Love is kind, respectful, loving, caring, hopeful, positive.
I love you’s are just hellos and pleasant goodbyes, I love you’s substitute “I was just thinking of you” which happens all the time; because no words could ever describe how I feel for you and how you feel for me.
And all of a sudden home isn’t a place, love isn’t a feeling, the world isn’t a thing and infinity is measurable... it’s all YOU.